Tag Archives: Remodel

The Art of the Punch List

Yesterday I had a phone call from my mother.

This isn’t irregular as we’re known to talk to each other every other day.

I can’t help it.  When she calls….

You answer. Sometimes.

Anyway, she’s in the process of cleaning up what is left of my grandparent’s estate in order to put the house on the market.  New paint, new carpet, and a few other miscellany in order to make the house more presentable.  Honestly I’d rather it have been a gut remodel and a new blog post called #ProjectVerdant but the goal is to move the house, not play Jeff Lewis and go all hog wild.

The premise behind the phone call was that the selected contractor has been less than capable with regards to his finishing skills and she needed to vent a little.  Not like I haven’t heard these vents before, though usually it is me doing the venting.  Needless to say I gave her a few tips for handling the close out and thought I’d share my tips for a successful punch list with you dear readers.

Be prepared because I’m kinda blunt. But you already knew that.

1. “Punch List” is not code word for “Beat the hell out of the contractor”.  Not every task is the result of being lazy or being less than capable.  Sometimes other trades get in the way.  Sometimes things get overlooked.  Sometimes it’s the end of the day and a 12 hours on a summer construction site means he just wants a beer.  Either way, start from neutral.

2. Ask Questions DURING Construction.  If something doesn’t look right – say a receptacle is too far to one side – ask.  It is easier to fix something while the trades are on site rather than after the fact.  Side note: This goes for changes in the field as well.  If you’re contemplating moving a light fixture or adding a receptacle, tell us designers when the mood strikes rather than later.  I can make your change orders feel better if I don’t have to call the electrician out a second time.

3. Blue Painter’s Tape.  Take a walk through the project after the trades have left and use your tape liberally.  Mars in paint, issues with texture, hardware upside down.  Mark it. For some reason, the mark of the Blue Painter’s Tape has become the international code for “problem here”.

4. Make a List (and yes, check it twice!). Normally your designer is doing this but if you’re handling your own remodel, a very detailed list goes a very long way.  Be as specific as possible.  Ie: “Closet door handles mounted upside down”, “peeling paint at windowsill in master bedroom”, or my new personal favorite “painter sprayed over cobwebs in living room”.  Provide a resolution where possible. I understand you may not know what the resolution might not be but note your expectations.  There is nothing worse than two parties with two different sets of expectations.

5. Check your Attitude. I know, blunt right?  But seriously, the punch list is not the time for name calling or just being overall rude.  Manners count.  Say please, thank you.  Watch your body language. Put your contractor at ease rather than making him take the defensive.

6. Set a Timeframe for Completion.  Again, expectations are key.  But make it a discussion.  It’s quite often that your contractor is juggling other projects and as much as he’s going to try to make you his most important client, he has to make the other clients feel the same way.  Is it imperative that the outlet cover be installed no later than tomorrow or can it wait until week’s end?  Make a date for a final walk through and stick to it.

7. Don’t Step on Your Designer’s Toes.  If you’re working with a designer or architect, let them take the upper hand.  Communicate your concerns to your designer first before jumping the gun.  Oftentimes, we’ve spotted the issue already and have taken the necessary steps to ensure that it’s being taken care of.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten calls from trades because of hot headed overbearing clients.  They’re not fun and just make the process more difficult.

8. And lastly – You Get What You Pay For.  I can not stress enough just how imperative it is to select your contractor and tradesmen on quality as well as price.  All too often projects are horribly hinged on price alone and in the end, quality suffers.  If you chose your contractor based solely on price, you can not expect perfection in the end.

Who knew remodeling had to be so damned hard? HA!

So instead of trying to handle your remodel on your own….

Just give me a ring instead.

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#Project Hartford – Now the Fun Can Begin

On any remodel there are a number of favorite moments.

The moment when the client signs the contract and hands you the retainer fee. The moment when they have that “AHA!” moment and the design clicks. Or the moment when you hand the keys back to the client and let them enjoy their fully finishes *fill in the blank*.

But over time, one of my favorite moments is that period after the majority of the demolition has occurred.  The debris removed. That moment where you can walk through the blank slate of a space and know that something decent is finally going to happen in this now gutted space.

Earlier this week, that moment occurred at Hartford, the single family house in San Diego with the hideous mansard roof (more on that mansard roof in another post). The client and I had been going over kitchen and bathroom layouts using the basis that we’d be removing it all. Right down to the studs.

And within a day, just like that, it was all gone.

The appliances and cabinets and drywall and hideous tile counters were gone.  Zap.  A distant memory in the back of a very big dumpster.

Bliss.  Pure and utter bliss.  Can I just say that where there is nothing in the space it looks sooooo much bigger!

And now that we’ve settled on the layout?  Permit time…..

The real fun can begin.

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When it Rains it Pours…..

Is it Friday yet?

I hope that you all had a great weekend?  I kinda miss it already.  But then again, I like coming back to a very full in-box too.

Remember that Morton commercial?  Something about raining and pouring and bad drainage and a blue box with something yellow on it.  I remember it like it was yesterday.  I represent that commercial quite well now. 

Because I came home to not one.  Not two.  But three new projects to jump head first into.  Am I complaining?  No.  But I could use an assistant now.

And just in case you think they’re going to be easy…. let me show you what they look like on the outside……

Santa Florencia – Will receive a full exterior treatment as well as a new kitchen and master suite.  Great things in store for this one.

Hartford – Luckily it was gutted when I saw it this afternoon.  Let’s just say there isn’t a surface that won’t be touched.

Bloch – An exterior refresh and completion of the interior finishes.

Stick around the blog because we’ll be posting progress shots. Not only that, we might just give away a few tips along the way.

Am I crazy?  I must be….

Someone pass me a drink.

And by the way…. why haven’t you registered for our Giveaway yet?  You know you want a new showerhead.  And it’s taking up room on my desk.

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