Tag Archives: Bentley

The Open Road – Pebble Beach

I’m a fan of countdowns. 

They get you excited.  They remind you that something awesome is around the corner.  Though the one downside to countdowns is the inevitable piddle stain on the carpet because you just couldn’t contain your anticipation.

I’m guilty of that from time to time.

Though I have hardwood floors.

And a dog.

It’s easy to blame piddle marks on the dog.

Because she’s a dog.

If you haven’t already noticed, I like to talk about cars on this little ole’ blog of mine.  I can’t help but talk about the Audi R8 or the Bentley EXP concept or the really hideous Aston Martin Lagonda SUV concept.  It might be ugly as all get up but I still want to talk about it.

Which brings me to my own personal countdown.

21 Days. That’s right readers, 21 days and I’ll be off to Carmel for a few days of NOTHING BUT CARS.  Vintage automobiles. Brand new super cars. And of course a little personal one on one time with the Bentley GTC W12. It’s like I’ve died and gone to heaven. I may have to bring more than one change of pants.

So if you notice that there is a little number in the bottom of my blog posts just remember that it’s me getting all excited.

And trying not to piddle on the floor.

Images via [1] [2]

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The Open Road – If Bentley & Chanel Had a Love Child….

Let’s be honest with ourselves.  Recently Bentley has gotten a bad rap.

No.  I don’t mean that P.Diddy put a Conti GT in his newest video and the “song” was sub-par.

Honestly, I’ve dished a bit of it myself.  Not because I’m a BMW driver (I am…).  Not because I can’t afford one (yet)(I can’t).  And certainly not because I don’t appreciate a piece of artwork on four wheels (I can and do). But because they are sending to market this:

Don’t get me wrong.  It’s not the best looking SUV on the block.  We all know that.  The press knows that.  Bentley knows that.  Which is why they’ve sent it back once before for a redesign before introducing the hard concept to the public.  Opinions are subjective and I have to respect Bentley’s lead designer, David Hilton for sticking to his guns.  I mean hell, we all took Chris Bangle (then head of BMW’s design team) over the coals for introducing what has come to affectionately be known as the Bangle Bustle, a design motif present on the last body style 6 and 7 series BMW.  In the end and since his departure in 2009, we’ve seen a drastic tone down and “rental-car” sensibility come from BMW’s current design staff.

Basically we may turn our noses at the quad headlight design on the EXP 9 F concept now but considering Hilton claims the design is reflective of Bentleys to come, we better get used to it.  Like it or don’t buy it I say.

So we’re beating Hilton with a cat o’ nine tails all because it looks like Takashi Murakami designed the front end of his happy monster SUV.  BUT…. there is redemption my friends.  Ultimately, Bentley did not fail us when it came to what they do best.  If you’ve ever sat in one, drove one or just plain ogled one you know what I’m talking about.

The Interior.

Say what you will about the four-eyed beast but leave your insults for the exterior because Bentley has gone the uber distance to make sure you’ll forget all about them once you’re behind the wheel.  I don’t normally swoon over interiors (with exception to vintage vehicle interiors made with REAL wood from REAL trees cut down by REAL men) but I’ll gladly ogle this one.

Handcrafted elements from bronze, aluminum and gunmetal.

Silk wool floormats.

Diamond quilted soft-touch leather.

Bespoke picnic hampers and a cooled compartment for champagne.

Are we talking about a country house or a car because I’m confused reading Bentley’s description.  Though they may cost nearly the same (it’s rumoured the EXP 9 F will start at $200,000 USD) only the Bentley can be easily moved.  And yes, it comes with an awning over the tailgate to “protect those seated there”.  I figured you were asking that question because you know this is an option you really want.

Julia Roberts would have killed to have one of these in the polo scene of Pretty WomanWhoop Whoop Whoop.

Though really, take a closer peek at the interior.  Bentley has taken great strides in blending a perfected mix of vintage aerospace, current technological innovation, and a lady’s Chanel bag.  Although the gentle negative curve of the veneer dash is sexy, the upward “swoop” of the door panels racy, and the quilted leather absolutely orgasmic, it is that singular aluminum & leather unit that runs from front to back finally encompassing the rear the mirror that truly makes this interior something straight out of First Class on Air Emirates.

Did you catch sight of the Union Jack motif in the door sills?  How about the contrasting body matched leather welt around the dashboard? Or that gentle curve of the seat foundation that looks like Hermes included four saddles? That’s contrasting stitched leather on the ceiling people.  THE CEILING.

Did I mention it has a compartment for champagne?

Have I swooned enough?  Have I made up for my incessant torturous remarks about the four headlamps and curiously vague tail lights?  We’ll leave that up to the PR people at Bentley to decide.  I’m hoping it has.

D.Coop was not compensated for this post though I’m really hoping Bentley let’s me sit in this thing when it hits the states. 

Images courtesy [1], [2], [3], [4]



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The Open Road – A Resurgence of the SUV?


I’m certain that by now you’re entirely thrilled that I’m not tweeting about kitchen cabinetry and faucetry and hardware and what will soon become my best of/worst of show.  And you’re probably jealous that I just spent 48 hours in the third best city in the county (behind New York and Los Angeles) with some of the most awesome Twitter friends a boy could have (waving hi to my stalkeratzi!).

I’m kinda tired of kitchens too.  As much as I like to cook, I’m a realist and know someone will need to clean up after.  Break time!  Or in today’s case, Brake Time!

It really is interesting to see what pops up in my Twitter feed as it ranges from design and interiors down the line to random political stories and someone begging for a vote on some online contest somewhere.  Some of my favorite posts, however, tend to stem from the automotive industry.  If you really want to see where design is headed, take a peek at what is rolling out of the European automotive design studios.  Considering the amount of dinero it takes to produce a concept and eventual production vehicle, they are about as ahead of the trends as it gets.

Interestingly enough, the one consistent thread connecting a great deal of the auto tweets is the introduction of not one, not two, but THREE exotic SUVs to the marketplace.  I don’t mean concept vehicles that a few guys thought up around a conference table.  I mean, honest to goodness, straight to production Sports Utility Vehicles that will eventually end up in someone’s garage in Palm Beach or Greenwich or Malibu (your garage too so long as you have the checking account or mortgage to withstand the financial blow).

As an aside, it has always been my theory that you can foretell the state of the US economy by watching the Automotive Industry.  For the last several years the AI has pushed the “small car”, almost to the point that I want to put one in neutral and physically push one over a cliff. Diamler made their SMART car all the rage.  Nissan took to the roads in their Leaf.  Chrysler brought Fiat’s quintessential 500 (and it’s variants) back to the US.  And Toyota turned the Prius into the Best Selling “Ugly car” of the century (I’m going to call it Yugo from now on).

It was uncool if you didn’t have a car that could easily fit into the rear compartment of your SUV.

But now.  Ostentation is back in full swing.  Cadillac Escalades with Chrome wheels.  Ford Excursions and seating for 8 (plus two dogs and matching golf clubs). The Hummer H1. Or H2. Or H3. All of them were at one point, the pinnacle of giant suburban vehicles .  Vehicles meant to carry cargo.  Not groceries but true cargo of sorts.  Like the crates you see in an Indiana Jones movie.  But instead, they’re carrying kids to school.  Or soccer practice.  Or Ballet.  Or their acting coach.  And doing it on 8 miles a gallon.

And now, they’re back again.  But this time, they’re sporting serious nameplates.  Lamborghini.  Bentley.  Maserati.  I’ll see your spinning chrome wheels and raise you an integrated champagne bucket.  Is this the beginning of a new chapter in drag racing?  Two moms in Jimmy Choos revving their engines at a stop light and seeing who can hit 30 miles an hour quicker?

Let me say, I’m no purist when it comes to vehicles.  I grew up with muscle cars but my first new car was a 2002 BMW 325 convertible with all the bells and whistles. I worked my way up to the X6 a few years back and now I’m trying to tout my environmental horn by sticking with a shared 328 coupe and my Car2Go membership.  I’m no stranger to vehicle innovation.  And by no means do I keep my opinions to myself.

My theory is this. Once upon a time, this one manufacturer known for it’s quick convertibles and coupes (nary a sedan in sight) desired to revamp it’s image as being the “car for the mid-life crisis”.  Lost?  Here in California, up to about 2006 or 2007, nearly every Porsche spotted on the road was sporting a 40-something male reliving their youth.  Along came the Cayenne (and later the Panamera).  Purists screamed bloody murder.  Ferdinand Porsche died.  But the Cayenne quickly became the best selling vehicle in Porsche’s line up.  Anyway, I would never say that the sales figures for Lambo, the Big B, and my ever favorite “car with the catfish grille” are turning into ghost towns, but I have a feeling they’re trying to work a new angle.  Trying to catch new buyers to offset what might be a slightly negative connotation.

Herein lies the problem.  Competition breeds innovation.  Normally.  In this case, competition has bred three designs that should spend more time on the drawing board.  Lamborghini’s design is a near knock off of BMW’s X6 (which has been criticized from day one and yet lauded by everyone, including myself).  Bentley appears to have tasked the Japanese artist Takashi Murakami to design its front end and kinda sorta forgot about the rear end (though let me tell you, I’m in love with the Chanel-esque quilted leather seats). And Maserati, well it still appears that the catfish is their major design influence. All three are ok but they’ve neglected to remember that you can’t just put a coupe body on a Tourag frame and call it an SUV.

Rant much?

So my point?  Stick with what you’re good at.  Bentley, Maserati and Lambo are never going to be hurting for customers so long as they continue to produce uber-exclusive vehicles that not only appear in every rap video known to man but are also the wet-dreams of every 15 year old boy.  As I like to say, be a master of some and not a jack of all.


Lamborghini Urus – Available Model Year 2015, Base Price: $200,000

(Photo courtesy Untitled Magazine)

Bentley EXP 9 F Concept – Available Model Year 2014, Base Price $200,000

(Photo courtesy Bentley Motors )

Maserati Kubang – Available Model Year 2013, Base Price rumored to be low $100K

(Photo courtesy Inside Line)

D.Coop was not compensated for this post.  However, if you have any of the above SUVs, please feel free to take me for a ride so you can prove me wrong.

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All That Glitters Isn’t Gold … It’s Pink!

Things are coming up pink here at D.Coop. No, I’m not designing Barbie’s Dream House (though wouldn’t that be fun!)  Actually with October coming to a close I wanted to highlight a few of the awesome one-offs and limited editions that have come through my in-box benefiting breast cancer research.

That's my mom (and my niece) after her third 3-Day Walk! She's my Hero!

Now normally I try to avoid the serious subjects around these parts but this is one of those few times where I’ll put down my drink and have a real fireside chat. A few years back the Smith Family had a little scare with Breast Cancer and the result is that I wear pink.  Real Men Wear Pink.  Remember that ya’ll.

Anyway, the awesome thing about October is that my in-box becomes a-glow with all things pink. Scarves and pins and t-shirts and awesome little items.  But my favorites are the biggies. I love when designers go all Barbie and the big ticket items turn pink!  So in honor of the upcoming holiday season, I thought I’d put together a few of my favorites. You might want to keep your wallets and purses hidden because all of these gifts are going to make a big dent in your holiday shopping budget!

Fritz Hansen Swan Chair by Vincente Wolf

SuiteNYC collaborated with 19 iconic designers including Diane Von Furstenburg, Jonathon Adler, and Campion Platt to create special single editions of the Fritz Hansen Swan Chair as part of their Pink Swan Project with proceeds benefiting the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.  I could devote an entire blog series to the 19 chairs themselves but I’m afraid the proliferation of pink might overload the WordPress servers!  None the less, you still have time to bid on a chair by your favorite designers.

Retail value of $3,000. Auction ends October 31st on Charitybuzz.com.

Viking Professional Series 30″ Range

Viking Range has paired with the National Breast Cancer Foundation to auction a special one-off pink version of their Professional Series range.  The highest bidder has the choice of either gas or electric and comes with it’s own matching pink hood.  You may just have a show kitchen but it will be a show kitchen with a cause!

Retail value of $7,000. Auction ends November 7th on eBay.

2012 Fiat 500, Pink Ribbon Edition

Available in a limited edition of 250 production models, the Fiat Brand has introduced a special Pink Ribbon Edition of it’s uber-popular, uber-cute 500 model.  Fiat has pledged $1,000 to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation for each sale with a minimum donation of $50,000. It isn’t the Bentley below but then again, the Fiat may be much easier on the wallet!

Starting at $22,000 from Fiat USA

Ralph Lauren Pink Alligator Ricky 33 Bag

Range. Check.  Car. Check. Bag? Check!  Ralph Lauren has introduced his iconic Ricky 33 in a limited edition pink alligator with proceeds going to his very own Pink Polo Fund. Question – just where did Ralph Lauren find the pink alligators?

$16,995 from Ralph Lauren

2012 Bentley Continental GT in “Passion Pink”

Commissioned by Symbolic Motorcars in La Jolla with proceeds of it’s $250,000 sale benefiting Susan G. Komen for the Cure, this is the ONLY Passion Pink GT in the world.

$250,000 from Symbolic Motorcars

For more information and how to support Breast Cancer research, please click through to the benefiting foundations below:

Susan G. Komen for the Cure

National Breast Cancer Foundation

Breast Cancer Research Foundation

Pink Pony Fund

D.Coop received no compensation for this post.

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