Tag Archives: blogtour

Me, London, and Blogtour

It’s Wednesday and guess what, it’s raining here in Las Vegas.

I know right?


And it was kinda cold. Makes you want to stay in side.

Kinda reminded me of the last time I was in London.

And what I hope it will be like in London again in September when My lovely readers all vote for me to fill in the last remaining spot on The Modenus BlogTour London.

What you say? There is one more spot?

Why yes and it was this morning when I landed that I received the tweet that I’d been “nominated” to join the elite that is BlogTour.

So do your part (pretty please!) and head over to the Blogtour site and vote for yours truly Mr. Brandon Smith.

Because one small London step is a whole ton of photos for you!

Vote here.

Hugs and kisses!

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