Tag Archives: Light Fair

Let’s Play a Game – Trade Show Season

Welcome to April!

Oh.  Wait, it’s only March 30th.  Whoops.  Close enough.

As I sit here in my office (staring at the black walls….) I kinda can’t help but cringe a little because my calendar is starting to look like a solid block of multiple colors.  Let’s just say the Gay Pride flag has nothing on my iCal. Seriously.

So anyway, this time of year is about that time of year that all the manufacturers and reps and vendors and salespeople of the world wake from their winter slumber, stretch open their arms and say “Lets go to a trade show!”.

I’m a fan of the trade show.  I love em.  There is something inherently fun about getting on a plane, arriving (freshly pressed…. this can mean drunk or ironed clothes.  I’ll let you make the judgement call) in some new city, wining, dining, talking smack about other vendors, getting back on said plane and then passing out.  Actually, forget the expos, I love the parties.  I can sleep during the expos.  This is why I have manufacturer’s representatives. HA!  Joking. But still… send me invites.  I’ll be there. Like Paris Hilton.

Minus the bubble gum pink Bentley.  Though I’d drive a bubble gum pink Bentley. Seriously.

I’m not joking.

Moving along…. What Trade Show season means for me is that in the next two months I’ll probably start spending more time in a hotel room then my own office.  I personally booked four of them. Am I crazy?  Probably a little. But you should already know that about me.  So just where will Waldo be this season?

KBIS – The Kitchen & Bath Industry Show

Think kitchens.  Lots of kitchens.  Oh.  And baths too.  I’ll be tweeting appliances and faucets and fixtures. Oh My! And if you’re actually at the show, look me up.  There may be a special little event in the works involving me and food.

April 24th – 26th, Merchandise Mart, Chicago Illinois


Light Fair International

You know I’m a whore for lighting.  And kind of a geek too.  Light Fair is the perfect melding of both.  We’re talking troffers and light sources and other stuff that really gets my juices going!

May 9th – 11th, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas Nevada


Hospitality Design Expo

Listen, there aren’t many places where you can look at awesome new hotel decor and get sloshed at the same time.  At least the last time I tried to do this at the Baker showroom I was kicked out.

May 15th – 17th, Sands Expo & Convention Center, Las Vegas Nevada


ICFF – International Contemporary Furniture Fair

Furniture.  New York City. Enough Said.

May 19th – 22nd, Javits Convention Center, New York City New York


Now I know, there are a sh*t ton of other shows going on at the same time but these are the four I’ve decided to grace with my presence. Expect some tweeting.  Ok, expect a lot of tweeting. And look for me too.  I’d love to chat with you in person (especially if you’re holding a martini for me!).  And of course I’ll wear a T-Shirt with your name on it if you’d like to sponsor any part of my trip 😀 Takers? No?  Yes?

Well… you now know where to find me.

D.Coop was not compensated in any way for this post.  Though that isn’t saying that I don’t want to be.


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