Tag Archives: KBIS

Like Candy with Strangers – KBIS with Robin Siegerman

Happy Hump Day Gang!

Over the past year, it’s been my pleasure to meet a crap ton of you guys not only virtually but IRL (that is “in real life” for those you that don’t know what an emoticon is).  Now whether this is a good or bad thing has yet to be determined, and I’m still not entirely sure my liver can take all this drinking (who am I kidding), it has been fun none the less.

The Kitchen and Bath Industry Showcase (KBIS in shorthand) was no different.  The show was less about seeing new products and more about meeting members of my stalkeratzi.  Suck it Bieber…. my girls are better.

I could sit here and talk about them all day but I thought I’d hand the reins of the blog over to the infamous Robin Siegerman of Renovation Bootcamp.

Don’t worry,  you don’t need a yoga mat.  She’s not going to make you work out.

And just in case you’re wondering, this —-> 😀 is an emoticon.

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“Don’t go anywhere with anyone you don’t know!”

How many times have you said that to your kids or remember your parents saying it to you? The only problem is, it was my husband saying it to me before my trip to Chicago for KBIS, the Kitchen & Bath Industry Show last week, an event I’ve been attending for more years than I care to admit (18). He was referring, however, to the fact that this year, I was traveling there from Toronto to meet up with Twiends—the affectionate moniker we Tweeps use for our regular online Twitter pals.

I rolled my eyes at him and said, “I talk to these people every day!  They’re designers and moms, except for the token guy, and he’s funny.”

“How do you know?” he stormed.

“How do I know he’s funny?” I asked mildly. (edit: I just AM funny, darnit)

“Not him,” he fumed. “The moms! How do you know they’re not axe murderers? How do you know these online Twits are who they say they are? And you’re going to a foreign country to spend time with them?!”

 “Chicago isn’t exactly like going to Katmandu!” I opined, USA and Canada being each other’s largest trading partner. I then reminded him how he was also leery before I met @MaureenCModecor  for lunch in downtown Toronto for the first time last summer, and she turned out to be a perfectly lovely decorator mom from Ottawa, just like she said—we yakked for hours then went shoe shopping! And how when Maureen and I met up with @lynneknowlton, from outside Toronto, for lunch this past winter and he thought I was crazy then too, she turned out to be fun, hilarious and we had a fabulous time. And how @Norbridge, another Torontonian, who he didn’t believe was an online seller of fine antique china, is as gracious a lady as you could ever hope to meet, who I’ve met a couple of times, but sadly wouldn’t be able to be in Chicago with us. Triumphant, I thought that was all the proof I’d require to make my case, and that would be the end of it. But nope…

My 21-year-old son, who hadn’t been paying attention (or so I thought), peered at me over the lid of his Mac and took his father’s side. “So how is this different than when you kept telling me as a kid never to reveal any personal information on MySpace? You thought everyone was a potential stalker.”

In a voice dripping with sarcasm, my husband drawled, “Oh, but this is comPLEEEEETly different. Your mother is making a mature decision as an adult.”

Knowing when I’ve been trumped in an argument, I further displayed my maturity by stamping my stilettoed foot and flouncing out of the room to pack (it’s so important to wear cute shoes when leaving the room in a huff).

But as it turns out, I’ve been completely vindicated and proven right (as I almost always am, and if my husband would just stop fighting it, we’d all save so much time). As I knew they would be, my Twiends were fabulous one and all!  We’ve been plotting and planning for the better part of a year about how and where we would finally all get together in person and KBIS provided the perfect excuse and Chicago was the perfect venue.

Of the many events, adventures and experiences, a stand-out was @Studio41, where we met @NoirBlancDesign, the founder of #intDesignerChat, who organized a Tweet-up IRL (in real life), where a group of us sat for an hour furiously typing on our phones, tablets or laptops to talk with hundreds of others joining in from the Twitterverse, to chat about kitchen and bath trends. The final touch at that venue was Twiends in a tub.

The Merchandise Mart was hopping with design activity, as the three Canucks, Maureen, Lynne and I, along with our new/old Twiends @RMD_Designs and @Remodel_w_Feia cruised from party to party searching for the ultimate hors d’ouevre which we found at @SubZero: cake on a stick!

Although due to the recession #KBIS is a shadow of its former self, there were still enough exhibitors to keep our heads swiveling on our necks like dashboard mascots. But early in the day we were happy to turn out en masse to support our fellow Tweeps as they sat on a panel and publicly ruminated on the ins-and-outs of blogging. Among the experts on the panel was none other than our own @dcoopsd (so much cuter than his Twitter avatar), the founder of this very blog, and we were tickled when he publicly recognized us as his own personal stalkerazzi!  Joining him were @MarilynRussell, @susanSerra, @kbculture (with whom I spoke many times during her tenure as Editor of Woman’s Day Specials Kitchen & Bath Magazine when featuring my work, but met IRL for the first time), and Caitlin Grogan, the editor of the online magazine http://www.Kitchens.com. But the highlight of the show for me (after all, this IS all about me) was posing with my book Renovation Bootcamp™: Kitchen in the #KBIS bookstore!

But you can’t attend #KBIS without wining and dining, and this year was no exception—we were well pickled. From our meet up with @SuzanneCummings floral designer extraordinaire, our group fave and stalwart @Lawyer1mom and her gorgeous DD (dear daughter) @CarolineHoenk,  fashionista @TheDecorGirl at the Gilt Bar across from The Mart, to our flamboyant dinner at the fabulously colorful Latin restaurant @Carnivale312 where we were joined by @RMD_Designs’ adorable DD and @livethefinelife we blew into The Windy City (so named for its verbose politicians not its weather!) and had a blast. At the end of the week, exhausted and percolating with new product and design ideas dancing in our heads, we went home to crow to our respective partners about our IRL Twiends, not a one of whom was seen wielding anything more dangerous than a fork.

Hopefully this will silence any protest that might otherwise have erupted when we all fly off to our reunion next year in New Orleans. Three cheers for Twitter bringing us all together! Party on, eh?

Robin Siegerman is the author of the Amazon best-selling book Renovation Bootcamp: Kitchen – Design and Remodel Your Kitchen Without Losing Your Wallet Your Mind or Your Spouse and Chief Design and Renovation Officer of Sieguzi Kitchen & Home Inc. in Toronto.

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DCoop Doing What We Do Best

Happy Saturday ya’ll.

This week was crazy with KBIS so I’m actually going to try and enjoy parts of my weekend. The parts where I’m not measuring a 4,500 square foot five level house so that I can gut it’s kitchen and three bathrooms.

As a result, my dear friend Lisa Smith over at The Decor Girl forwarded me a little photo to remind me just what I should be doing.

If I had a real bathtub.

And a martini.

Enjoy gang and I’ll see you around these parts come Monday!

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Let’s Play a Game – Trade Show Season

Welcome to April!

Oh.  Wait, it’s only March 30th.  Whoops.  Close enough.

As I sit here in my office (staring at the black walls….) I kinda can’t help but cringe a little because my calendar is starting to look like a solid block of multiple colors.  Let’s just say the Gay Pride flag has nothing on my iCal. Seriously.

So anyway, this time of year is about that time of year that all the manufacturers and reps and vendors and salespeople of the world wake from their winter slumber, stretch open their arms and say “Lets go to a trade show!”.

I’m a fan of the trade show.  I love em.  There is something inherently fun about getting on a plane, arriving (freshly pressed…. this can mean drunk or ironed clothes.  I’ll let you make the judgement call) in some new city, wining, dining, talking smack about other vendors, getting back on said plane and then passing out.  Actually, forget the expos, I love the parties.  I can sleep during the expos.  This is why I have manufacturer’s representatives. HA!  Joking. But still… send me invites.  I’ll be there. Like Paris Hilton.

Minus the bubble gum pink Bentley.  Though I’d drive a bubble gum pink Bentley. Seriously.

I’m not joking.

Moving along…. What Trade Show season means for me is that in the next two months I’ll probably start spending more time in a hotel room then my own office.  I personally booked four of them. Am I crazy?  Probably a little. But you should already know that about me.  So just where will Waldo be this season?

KBIS – The Kitchen & Bath Industry Show

Think kitchens.  Lots of kitchens.  Oh.  And baths too.  I’ll be tweeting appliances and faucets and fixtures. Oh My! And if you’re actually at the show, look me up.  There may be a special little event in the works involving me and food.

April 24th – 26th, Merchandise Mart, Chicago Illinois


Light Fair International

You know I’m a whore for lighting.  And kind of a geek too.  Light Fair is the perfect melding of both.  We’re talking troffers and light sources and other stuff that really gets my juices going!

May 9th – 11th, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas Nevada


Hospitality Design Expo

Listen, there aren’t many places where you can look at awesome new hotel decor and get sloshed at the same time.  At least the last time I tried to do this at the Baker showroom I was kicked out.

May 15th – 17th, Sands Expo & Convention Center, Las Vegas Nevada


ICFF – International Contemporary Furniture Fair

Furniture.  New York City. Enough Said.

May 19th – 22nd, Javits Convention Center, New York City New York


Now I know, there are a sh*t ton of other shows going on at the same time but these are the four I’ve decided to grace with my presence. Expect some tweeting.  Ok, expect a lot of tweeting. And look for me too.  I’d love to chat with you in person (especially if you’re holding a martini for me!).  And of course I’ll wear a T-Shirt with your name on it if you’d like to sponsor any part of my trip 😀 Takers? No?  Yes?

Well… you now know where to find me.

D.Coop was not compensated in any way for this post.  Though that isn’t saying that I don’t want to be.


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